
The Clallam County Amateur Radio Club owns, operates, and maintains a Yaesu DR1X System Fusion 2m VHF-FM repeater located at the State DNR’s Striped Peak communications site. The Club has maintained a repeater online at this location for over 20 years. The old GE Master II Repeater was replaced with the Yaesu in April, 2015. The new Yaesu is capable of FM and C4FM digital modes.

The purpose of this repeater is to enhance FM communications in Clallam County beyond the limits of simplex operation, allowing for wide-area coverage in and around Clallam County. Both the CCARC and CCARES/RACES organizations reserve the use of the repeater during nets, emergencies, and planned events. Unless otherwise pre-occupied, the repeater is open for general use by all licensed hams, both north and south of the border.

Here is a list of Local Area Repeaters